Cut Level 5 Protection: What It Means for Industrial Safety Gloves

Cut-resistant gloves are crucial in industries where the hands are exposed to sharp objects and tools, but selecting the right glove for the job can be challenging. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) developed a cut resistance standard for gloves, which uses a nine-level scale that ranges from A1 to A9. The level of cut resistance extends from 0 to 6,000 grams, based on tests by a Tomodynamometer (TDM Method). The higher the weight required to cut the materials, the higher the cut resistance rating.

The first three levels, A1 to A3, provide light cut protection and are not recommended for medium to heavy cut hazards. Levels A4 to A5 primarily address medium-level cut hazards, while levels A6 to A7 address heavy-duty and high-level cut hazards. Levels A8 to A9 are used in extreme environments that involve high cut hazards.

When selecting the right glove, it is essential to review the ANSI performance cut levels and understand the ANSI cut ratings. It is also necessary to select the right glove that minimizes the cut risk while maximizing flexibility for the task. MCR Safety provides a cut-resistant glove catalog that allows for quick navigation to specific cut levels.

In 2018, there were 123,990 reported hand injuries, and 51,130 of them involved cuts and lacerations, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. To reduce injuries in workplaces where cut hazards are present, selecting the appropriate cut level for the task is a significant step. The higher the rating, the better the protection and cut performance provided.

The FME Glove is a specialized safety glove designed to prevent Foreign Material Exclusion (FME) incidents. These incidents occur when foreign objects such as tools, nuts, bolts, or even personal items like rings or watches, are accidentally left inside machinery during maintenance or repair work. This can cause serious damage to the equipment and even result in safety hazards for the workers.

By using FME gloves, workers can significantly reduce the risk of such incidents by preventing foreign materials from entering the machinery. These gloves are made of high-quality materials that offer both comfort and protection. They feature a snug fit and a durable construction that can withstand the wear and tear of regular use.

When it comes to cut protection, it's important to note that not all gloves are created equal. In the power generation industry, workers are often exposed to sharp edges, blades, and other hazards that can cause serious cuts and lacerations.

While cut level 3 gloves offer some protection, cut level 5 gloves provide a higher level of cut resistance and are therefore better suited for jobs that involve higher risks. This is because they are made with stronger materials that are more resistant to cuts, slashes, and punctures. In the event of an accident, the added protection provided by cut level 5 gloves can make a significant difference in minimizing injury.

In summary, by using FME gloves and cut level 5 gloves, workers in the power generation industry can significantly reduce the risk of both FME incidents and cut-related injuries. These safety measures not only protect the workers but also ensure the smooth and safe operation of the equipment, leading to a more efficient and productive work environment.